Olmsted Linear Park Alliance
To protect and preserve Olmsted Linear Park by engaging and educating the public to treasure and invest in the improvement of this historic, landmark asset, and to champion the teaching and legacy of Frederick Law Olmsted in creating thoughtful, well-designed green space to enhance urban living.
Atlanta's Urban Oasis
The Olmsted Linear Park Alliance (OLPA) is a public-private partnership that was founded in 1997 to raise funds for the restoration and preservation of Olmsted Linear Park so everyone can enjoy the tranquility of an urban oasis in the heart of Atlanta and the Druid Hills community

Renovation of the Springdale Playground and stormwater infrastructure improvements have begun. The 20-year-old playground will be updated with new play equipment, including a nest swing, climbing sphere, musical flowers, and new landscaping. The beloved spinning saucer will receive a new surface and be reinstalled. Century-old stormwater pipes will be replaced to mitigate flooding in the playground area.
Contractors erected fencing to secure the work site. Construction equipment and trucks will enter the space via South Ponce de Leon Avenue. Traffic on South Ponce de Leon Avenue and Springdale Road will be impacted during this time so please consider alternative routes around this area. Construction to completion should take approximately six (6) months.
Sincere thanks to the generosity of our friends and neighbors for their support, and in particular to the following without whom we would not have been able to begin this project.
City of Atlanta Parks and Recreation Department
City of Atlanta Council Member Alex Wan
Park Pride
The Waterfall Foundation
David, Helen and Marian Woodward Fund
Former COA Council Member Jennifer Ide
As we get closer to the project’s completion, we will announce plans for a re-opening celebration. More information will be available on the OLPA website as the project progresses. If you have any questions, please contact Sandra Kruger at sandra.kruger@atlantaolmstedpark.org

Olmsted Linear Park allows visitors from all walks of life to enjoy the tranquility of an urban oasis in the heart of Atlanta and the Druid Hills community.

Vistor Info
Park Hours:
6:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.
Park Address:
Ponce de Leon Avenue, Atlanta, Georgia 30307
Support OLPA
Contact Us
(404) 377-5361
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 5500, Atlanta, Georgia 31107